Customer Reviews for On time moving

These gentlemen were very kind and professional, and got the job done quickly. Highly recommend!

Aliyah C. | Las Vegas, NV

(Reviewed on 06/01/2024)

Great job above average professionalism. Nice job men.

Randy B. | Las Vegas, NV

(Reviewed on 05/29/2024)

Very friendly

Stacey H. | Las Vegas, NV

(Reviewed on 05/27/2024)

The guys were quick and handled everything I needed.

Ruby O. | Las Vegas, NV

(Reviewed on 05/24/2024)

Reliable and came right 'On Time' Thank you again for all your hard work

Tanika B. | Las Vegas, NV

(Reviewed on 05/23/2024)

Quick. Organized and sufficient. Would definitely recommend to anyone moving some thangs around

Tanika B. | Las Vegas, NV

(Reviewed on 05/23/2024)

This service was amazing! Great Communication, On-Time, Great Rates! Highly Recommend!

Thomas S. | Henderson, NV

(Reviewed on 05/03/2024)

Tc M. | Phoenix, AZ

(Reviewed on 04/28/2024)

Brian M. | Henderson, NV

(Reviewed on 04/27/2024)

We ordered two guys for 4 hours. We got one guy for 2 hours. It was a traffic heavy day. The second one never got to me. I don't know that one guy at two hours should be paid the entire amount quoted for two guys for four hours. The one who was there was amazing. He helped a great deal and did it all himself. He deserves full payment for two hours and half the amount for the unused two hours for one person for a tip. The other one does not. We should be refunded the portion for the second person. I would use this moving company again if only for the one guy who helped.

Catherine P. | Las Vegas, NV

(Reviewed on 04/27/2024)

They were fantastic! Pleasant and efficient. Did a great job packing up my truck and cleaning area. Thank you.

Miriam M. | Apple valley, CA

(Reviewed on 04/15/2024)

I provided them with 2 dolly’s and they popped both of the dolly’s tires out by over loading them with high stakes of boxes and totes. They broke multiple pieces of my furniture with being careless and not considerate of the fragile stickers. They were talking to one another the whole time or on the phone that one would be loading and other one standing around. They broke the seal off the U-Haul dolly without asking me first. When they came to unload they were complaining the whole time about it being late and how I should have booked earlier and then when they only worked 5.5?hours not six they said the app doesn’t do half hours but they weren’t willing to work another halfbhour because it was late already.

Jennifer S. | Las Vegas, NV

(Reviewed on 04/04/2024)