We did not find any Moving Help® Service Providers in Gallup, NM on this date matching your preferences.
Please try your search again on a different date.
Use the tables below to estimate the number of hours you will need.
Sq. Ft. | 2 person | 3 person | 4 person |
Under 800 | 2 hrs | 2 hrs | N/A |
800-1000 | 2 hrs | 2 hrs | N/A |
1000-1500 | 3 hrs | 2-3 hrs | 2 hrs |
1500-2000 | 4 hrs | 3-4 hrs | 2-3 hrs |
2001-3000 | 6 hrs | 4-5 hrs | 3-4 hrs |
3000-4000 | 6-8 hrs | 5-6 hrs | 4-5 hrs |
4000+ | 10+ hrs | 8-10 hrs | 6-8 hrs |
If a Moving Help® Service Provider needs to drive from your first location to your second location you will need to figure drive time into your requested hours.
Distance | Time |
10-40 miles | 1/2 hr |
40-75 miles | 1-2 hrs |
75-100 miles | 2-3 hrs |
The distance from your place to the rental truck factors into the time needed to complete the job.
Distance | Time |
Under 20 ft | 0 hrs |
20-50 ft | 1/2 hr - 1 hr |
50+ ft | 1-2 hrs |
Add 1 hour per flight of stairs.